Install our Indoor/Outdoor sensors to activate dynamic park guidance, report occupancy information on displays to improve the customer experience and supervise/control the activity thanks to our platform (WizziPark cloud).
Flex Office
Organize and optimize the management of your office and equipment. Manage and adapt your parking needs (specific spaces : electric, disabled, …).
Improve your performance thanks to our sensors.
Indoor tracking of tools on site for better management of your budgets. Detect the presence of your engines.
Locate your equipment to improve its availability and smooth healthcare processes.
Develop, analyze and transform your business with our different types of sensors.
Stand alone, wireless and low-power solutions
Analyze and address your specific requirements
Simply install and play
Supervise remotely and collect your data
Efficient IoT Systems
Quick to install
Easy to maintain and to configure remotely
Scalable and evolving
End-to-end secured
Connected to your Cloud
They trust us
Since 2011
+200 000 devices deployed
+1,4 billion of messages relayed through the WizziCloud